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The name of the second phase area has been decided as "Sora Yoka"!
The name of the second phase area of Aso Kumamoto Airport (the "Commercial Building", "Energetic Plaza", and "Tourist Exchange Area") has been decided as "Sora Yoka" as a result of public votes!
The name combines "sky," which brings to mind images of airports and airplanes, with "yoka," which means "good" in the Kumamoto dialect, to mean "good skies," befitting Kumamoto Airport.
The names of each area are
Commercial area = Sorayoka Dining, Plaza = Sorayoka Park, Tourism exchange area = Sorayoka Visitor Center
"Sora yoka" is a Kumamoto dialect word meaning "That's good!" and we aim to create a second phase area where all users will say "That's good!"
A total of 705 votes were cast this time, with Sorayoka getting 437 votes and KumaSora getting 268 votes.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The announcement of the prize giveaway results will be made by contacting the winners.